Saturday, July 10, 2010

It's that time of year

It's that time of year... Oh, how I love this time of year. When I can take the quick 4 mile drive over to Mom and Dad's and raid the garden. Every year their garden gets bigger and better. I can't believe how much delicious stuff they have.
And it's just beginning. A lot of things will become ripe in the weeks to come.
Today I got onions, potatoes, cukes, and squash.
I have dreams of having a little veggie garden someday but mine will never be on the grandiose scale of my parents gardens. I don't know how they do it all. They spend many hours everyday and they truly love it.
Fiona is helping Pa-Pa dig potatoes.

1 comment:

Ruth's Photo Blog said...

I remember the garden my parents had and it looked much like the one you show.We always teased Mom,saying she had enough produce to feed all the neighbors.A good garden is a blessing,glad you get to share your parents garden.