Saturday, October 30, 2010

Happy Saturday My Friends......

It's 7 AM on Saturday morning. I'm laying in bed. The room is dark except for the glowing of my computer screen. Seadra and Zoe are cuddled up next to me and I can hear Seadra licking her paws. Other than that the room is quiet. I'm usually up and about by this time, even on the weekends but I decided it felt good to stay in bed longer this morning. I just want to do nothing but blog for a bit.

I just kissed my hubby goodbye. He's off to catch a plane this morning and is headed to Las Vegas for the SEMA show (Specialty Equipment Market Association) He won't be home for 9 days! I guess I'm starting to get used to his traveling. It's that time of the year. When he gets home he'll be home for 2 weeks then gone for another 2 weeks and so on.... This will last through Dec. so there is an end to it. I'm just grateful it isn't all year. And above all I'm grateful that he has a job he enjoys.

And speaking of jobs.... I really like my new job. Can I still call it my "new" job now that I've been doing it for 10 months? OK, I'll stop calling it my new job when I've been doing it for a year. It feels like such a huge accomplishment to me that I am now able to say "I really like my new job". I am so proud of myself. The whole transition has been huge for me. So much about it was stressful.... learning the job, being thrown to the wolves, trying to clean up the huge mess I walked into, going from part time to full time plus, losing physicians and staff, gaining new staff, a buy out from the hospital, dealing with stressed out staff. Sounds like a nightmare, huh? And believe me my old self would have run for the woods in the past. I am not one that likes to go out of my comfort zone. It was not easy. There were a few months that I was questioning my sanity. And many days where the tears flowed.

I put my big girl panties on and made it! The challenge has been good for me. I pride myself on the state of my office, organized, caught up, and manageable. It took a long time to get it to this point. I actually feels good each morning when I put my key in my office door and I look forward to what the day has in store for me. Not every day is roses but I've come a long way Baby! And I've said it before... I love the patients. They make my day. It is a joy to help them and offer what little bit of comfort I can be to them. They do not know that they are the ones that bless me.
Well, the sun is now peaking through the window blinds so I must get up and start my day. The weekends are too precious to waste.

1 comment:

Diane Fay (littlealma) said...

Oh man, I envy your work ethic! I think I got up at noon on Saturday! My thinking is, it is the only day I have to catch up on sleep. Altho I did go to bed at 3 AM, so, anyway!

Love the pic of your two puppies - I just thought, there you go, a perfect Christmas card pose!!! They look precious!

And glad things are going well for your job - that is great!

Take Care!
