Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Beauty That Surrounds Me

In the adult Sunday school class this morning we talked about different types of prayer. Pastor Jeff also talked about it during the sermon. I pray, I talk to God but there are so many different ways to pray. I like to think of my photography as a way of prayer and worship. Not the photos themselves but the act of taking them and how grateful I feel when I'm taking them. It's the beauty I see through the viewfinder, whether it's a bird, a flower, my dogs or my family I am so grateful for it all. When I see things that make me happy I know they are gifts from God.
When I don't take the time to reflect on the beauty around me and appreciate all that surrounds me I become anxious and stressed. When I take the time be aware and conscious of it, a peace surrounds me. A peace that is a gift from God.
Take time to appreciate the beauty that surrounds you. And know Who to thank.

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